::..:: gathering my way ::..::
May 31, 2004
|May 27, 2004
hey i am trying to pull off this event, the theology studio in august so if you could talk it up it would be great or better yet come and join us.
May 19, 2004
had an awful day with the kids which ended with me telling my oldest to get out of the house for awhile. it was just plain ugly. there are days i wonder why i have been charged with all these lives, i do such a crappy job somedays. went to bed defeated and exhausted. but today is a new day and things have gone much smoother although i have a aching in my gut about yesterday. Lord thanks for the new day, the new chance, the new life. really makes me think about each day as a new place, a new time to be what you want of me. thanks for your faith in me.
May 17, 2004
the cicadas are coming i guess, there not here yet and i was so looking forward to all that noise and mess, please hurry wont you
May 12, 2004
listened to all things considered yesterday while driving home from chicago and heard a short interview with evan bayh senator from indiana. toward the end of the converstaion he stated that we were better than other nations. something about that comment just pissed me off, and we wonder why soldiers torture their captives, for me if you think you are better than other people it allows you to think of them as less than human and acts of violence can happen easily. maybe we need to start seeing our role in the world as servants not purveyors of the right or better way, maybe we should see ourselves as less than others and then maybe we would start to understand why so many people hate us.