August 19, 2005

so yesterday was wild. the day started out like any other day then the van broke down with sydney at the grocery and luckily she only had quinn with her. got the van towed and am still waiting to see what is wrong. then about 3pm solomon feel and broke his arm. sydney and i were feeling really overwhelmed when the day began and we just about lost it when solomon went down. we are still waiting for most of the kids to be covered with medicaid so this one is on us. he is doing fine now with a new cast and a great smile he is amazing how he gets through things like this it is the second arm break for him in two years. anyway as i was driving home from the first trip to the hospital two hymns popped in my head all is well and how great thou art. as i was asking God why so much when we are at our limit, those two songs brought we some peace. so thank you God for that and help my little boy heal well and quickly.
