::..:: gathering my way ::..::
November 29, 2005
what am i doing? i make my money off rich white people who want big houses and buildings they don't need. 500k and up with every bell and whistle you can imagine. there seems to some irony in it though i take that money and i feed a family of 17. made up of children who would have most likely died because of where they were born. funny isn't it but i seem to be struggling with my life at this point so many things i want to do reaching people with a message of subversion and power to change things in a real way. yet i seem to stumble and fall and am tired of beating my head against the wall of privilege that so many who claim the name Jesus live behind. i want to tear it down and help them see that this world is filled with those our God commands us to serve and love and empower. does it really help to throw money at them? what is the answer i feel both destroyed and empowered and not sure how much longer i can stand. i go to church and my spirit weeps because there seems to be a real disconnect between what i hear and what is done. is christianity in the western world dead maybe it should be at least the church should wake up. i have been circling around the emerging church world for a while now and am waiting for something i can sink my teeth into. what are we doing to serve the powerless, the fatherless, the alien, what are we doing to address racism which is a live and well in the USA and around the world maybe a committee or focus group would help. maybe its time to just get off the train and stake a claim for Jesus in this wilderness, this desert of faith maybe build an oasis where anyone can come a live and be loved or am i just a dreamer who needs to wake up and live in this present danger, but i am not sure i can.
November 21, 2005
i found this story distrubing because the way they say there are no sports stars or the co-founder of nike on board, are they saying its ok for these less than notable people to die
November 18, 2005
driving this morning i was listening to npr and a story about the budget wrangling going on in congress there was this silly exchange of one guy ranting about another one and all i could think about was where is the dialogue. it seems politics in this country have become very partisan. how can anything get accomplished if the sole aim of each party is to get the other one to look bad. what if when someone made a mistake they just said so and if they are confused about what to do say so. have we created a society where we can not or will not listen to another persons/groups ideas without trying to pick apart their argument to find a way to make the other guy look wrong when they might actually be right. also heard a story about ear marked funding for highway money and how the congress people were fighting to get their fair share and there was this discussion on a friends blog that was disturbing in how it became a he said she said thing. not that any one wanted that it just happened. maybe we have become so good and trying to find fault with each other that we have lost our ability and /or desire to listen before we speak. i am guilty of this often and i guess these things have shown me i need to filter my thoughts and words through some grace and compassion before i use them. maybe if as a country we all took a vow to listen more/better we would be better off than we are today. maybe that is what Jesus was trying to tell us all along.
November 15, 2005
sydney and i had a wonderful conversation with simeon last night just the three of us for about an hour. he told us more about his life in ethiopia and how is birth father was a soldier for ethiopia and most likely got killed in the war with eritrea. it is amazing to learn what our kids have experienced in their short lives, pain, sorrow, hunger etc. all too early with all the crap that goes on in the world its kids who pay the dearest price. simeon said he wants to go back to ethiopia when he is older but not to stay for good it is such a blessing to watch him and all my kids become amazing people who are trying to live out a faith that inspires. thank you LORD for allowing me to be parent to these 15 people
November 14, 2005
pat robertson is once again speaking for our Lord and what amazes me is that some people actually thought he could be president and probably still do with theology like his is it any wonder our government thinks it ok to torture people maybe they should put pat in charge of that too because geting rid of all those evil people might be just what God wants the USA to do being the new jerusalem and all.
November 11, 2005
i have a new article in next wave this month
November 09, 2005
found this link on dan hughes blog