September 29, 2005

john okeefe has a great post over at ginkworld take a gander


solomon (he is 6) broke his arm about 6 weeks ago and was suppose to have his cast removed oct 6th. well this past weekend he started complaining about his arm and sydney called the orthopod to see what they could do so he ended up in their office and when they took off his cast there was a huge infection in his arm, thank God we found it because if we would have waited until next week he would have most likely lost his arm to the infection. so he has had two surgeries and three days in the hospital to resolve the infection and through it all his smile never quits. he is the definition of joy always sees something to smile about no matter what is happening and thank God he spoke up so we called and got him in the dr office monday. i wish everyone could have the joy solomon does about life and what happens along the way, so thank you LORD for him and his joyous life.


September 20, 2005

so what makes a space sacred, what makes anything sacred. i have always struggled with the distinction between secular/sacred. not sure why we make such a big deal about it. does a certain style of building or form make a building sacred, is a baroque cathedral any more scared than my living room? or is it what is happening in the space that makes it scared. when a church holds a public/community meeting in its sanctuary is that meeting sacred or is the sanctuary being defiled in a way it shouldn’t. the cathedrals of europe were built with the idea of civitas dei, or light of or city of God, they were building a place for God. did that make it sacred, i have been to mass in one of those old places and it was just plain cold and strange yet amazing. it seems we struggle to create a sacred space too often and loss sight of the true sacredness of a place or thing. maybe it is a little both, bricks and mortar and why /how the space/place is being used. there are wonderful stories in the OT that describe a person or group consecrating a place by building an altar and how that place is remembered to our reading of the story, maybe we should be consecrating a few more places as we remember God in our lives. all the money we spend on creating the right sacred space would probably do more if given to why/how or what we do with our actions to create a sacredness. anyway what do you think?


September 07, 2005

i have a new article on next wave havent written much lately so let me know what you think


a subsidiary of yahoo helped the chinese governement catch a dissident, should a company be doing this kind of stuff to get into a new market. i guess greed will create an environment where anything is acceptable to get the sale. any one still think capitialism in a altruistic democratically free system. i heard this story this am on market place morning report they should have it posted tomorrow. i found these links on yahoo which was my prefered search portal, no more i am finding a new portal
