we have going through the life of Abram/Abraham in our Thursday night study and last night we were in chapter 18, in verses 20-21
Then the LORD said, "The outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great and their sin so grievous that I will go down and see if what they have done is as bad as the outcry that has reached me. If not, I will know."
it really hit me how they give a picture of a God who needed to come done to earth to see for himself if the reports of sin were true in Sodom. If God had to go down and verify that what he was hearing was true what does that say about the idea of God being omnipotent or omniscient. and the fact that he would bargin with abraham about whether he should destroy the city is amazing to me, one for abraham's boldness and also for the fact that God would change his plans because a person he created asked him to. so much for that venegeful God that some many think is protrayed in the OT. this passage for me anyway dismantles much of popular evangelical theology about omnipotence and the character of God. Does it or doesn't it and i am pretty sure after reading that passage that God was actually talking with abraham not an angel because it clearly says the two other men, angels went down to sodom to destroy it.
::..:: gathering my way ::..::
May 26, 2006
|May 19, 2006
so maybe the war in iraq was for this reason and this reason only, watch the video that reporter glenn beck about scott southworth and his son allah who was born in iraq
May 02, 2006
well CCAA just approved our family to become Seth's family. Hong Jian Gang is two and from China and will be the next wallis family member. we should have never been approved but we are what a miracle much prayer and emotion wrapped up in this people all over the world praying this little guy would become part of us. home study to complete dossier to prepare what a joy, blessing he will be and the kids are all screaming with excitement about him coming home. stayed tuned as the process unrolls before us. thank you LORD